Wednesday, May 21, 2008

catching up with Isabella

It has been such a long while since I have blogged regularly, I have lots of catching up to do. So I will dedicate this post to Isabella...

at the all-school art fair standing next to the 3 pieces of her artwork her teacher picked to display

art class on a sunny spring day...sidewalk chalk!

coming home from school with a Mother's Day gift for me: flowers in a bag decorated by Isabella

last day of Daisy Girl Scouts~ this experience has been a high light of the school year and she is already excited for Girl Scouts in 1st Grade!


Angela said...

She has grown SOO much this year!! What a sweet girl!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to have had the privilage of bringing Girl Scouts to DMCS! And I so enjoyed having Isabella in our troop she was always full of fantastic ideas and took G.S. very serious. :)

amain said...

I am so glad that you and Marci took the initiative to bring G.S. to DMCS! I truly had no idea what a positive experience it would be for Isabella~ we all enjoyed it!!