Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It Needs To Be Jenn's Birthday More Often!

Yesterday was Jenn's birthday, and I cannot remember the last time I celebrated so much!! All I can say is, "It needs to be Jenn's birthday more often!"
An impromptu party at our favorite lunch-time gathering spot: Happy Joe's!
They were kind enough to indulge a Mom's birthday celebration with balloons (weighed down with packets of taco sauce...gotta love a classy joint like that!)
Then a 'clown cone'...and the sirens, too!!!
Lisi & Cale with the scary teeth they won from the game room
Ending the day at our house with angel food cake (OK, and a margarita, too)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JENN! I enjoy you and our friendship!!!


Lori Eilers said...

It was a good time! Thanks for inviting me along. :)

Jenn said...

Thanks so much for the wonderful day, I had so much fun the whole day! I would however like to say that picture on the bottom my face looks like I had a pitcher of margaritas...
I am so blessed to have the found the wonderful friends I have, thanks so much. The cake was delish!