Friday, December 21, 2007

Thank You, Santa

This past week was the performance of Attic Door Theatre Company's Thank You, Santa.
Civic Center and Broadway watch out...her come the Main Girls!!!
I want to thank ALL of our family and friends who came out to support Isabella and Lisi. I think they had more people in the audience than any other actor!
Isabella remembered all of her lines and made her mark each time. Lisi was very believable as a 'life like doll'.
If you know of any budding young actors, I highly recommend this local theater group. We have attended performances in years past, but this is the first time our family participated. It was a GREAT experience, and you can count on future invitations!!


Chef Stinson Family said...

Jules has the same Christmas dress as Lisi. :o)

Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

Lori Eilers said...

The girls were wonderful! Such a great opportunity for kids to have fun and learn to be confident in front of people.

Anonymous said...

Looks like so much fun! :)