Tuesday, January 1, 2008


If you live in Iowa, PLEASE GET READY TO CAUCUS!!!
It is THIS Thursday, January 3rd @ 7pm (but be there closer to 6:30pm).
It is such a privilege of living here, and it is such a unique and important process.
If you do not know where your caucus site will be, click here.
If you want to learn more about the Republican candidates, click here.
If you want more information about the Democratic candidates, click here.
If you want to learn more about MIKE HUCKABEE, click here.
Not yet registered to vote? No worries. It is OK to register at your caucus site.


Lori Eilers said...

I am ashamed to say I have never caucused but AM planning to tomorrow night! I have always been a voter but I think it's time we all step it up in our opportunities and rights in the area of politics. We, at least I, take it for granted that I have a voice in our country. Is Mike Huckabee the perfect candidate? No, but I think he is a man of integrity and has a good shot at beating the Democratic candidate. I'm trying to look at the big picture and think he's a good view.

amain said...

I could not agree more.
Actually, I have never caucused, either! Shame on me~ but I am trying to make up for it now!!
Mike Huckabee is not a perfect candidate. We are not perfect people. But I do believe he is a man of integrity, and a man prepared to lead, and not follow polls and politics as usual...