Friday, May 4, 2007

Experience Cinco de Mayo

So Cinco de Mayo is not quite what we thought we would be experiencing on 'Experience Day' at Des Moines Christian, but leave it to those crazy church-goers to make it a party in the hallways! The high schoolers had made cardboard 'floats' and had a parade going thru the school...complete with candy being tossed to the kids. Ya, those soon-to-be-Kindergarteners are looking forward to Fall!!!
It was a great morning, though, and Isabella was THRILLED when she got to her class and found Adele May there. Nothin' better than seeing friends when you are in a new place. And much to my delight, Lisi took leaving her Sis-Sis there OK. But boy was she glad when it was time to go get Isabella. Those sisters just love each other so muchY
I have written it before, and I will write it again:

1 comment:

Lori Eilers said...

So fun! That will be awesome if Iz and Adele can be classmates! Makes me wish I still had a child in school.