Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Buck for a million more

That is the amount of money that Mike Huckabee's campaign has raised on-line in the month of October. This amount has EXCEEDED the goal of $1,034,487.
And how was the goal of $1,034,487 determined???
After the growing momentum following the Republican debate earlier this month and other boosts for Mike Huckabee to be the next President of the United States, he decided to set a (crazy) goal to raise $1 million more than the campaign had raised in the previous quarter.
Of course a campaign needs money, but I think this ginormous goal was to show the MEDIA that Huckabee has supporters, enthusiastic supporters, and that the support is growing.
For a largely grassroots campaign, this definitely makes a statement.
Have I mentioned that I LIKE MIKE???
The challenge is running until midnight tonight....
Will you contribute a Buck for Huck???


Jenn said...

Hey Mike Huckabee is on Bill O'Reilly tonight!

amain said...

I know! I saw him, and gosh darn it, I just LIKE the guy!!
He is articulate, unwavering, committed, conservative, humorous, smart, is in favor of a 'fair tax' system...I could go on and on!!

Jena said...


This is Scott. If you liked John Cox I suggest you take a look at Ron Paul. If you research what he says his ideas make a lot of sense. His campaign has raised 5.2 million last quarter,over 7 million since Oct 1 in Q4, and raised 4.2 million just yesterday (thats a record this year for republicans, and an all-time all-party record for online-donations). Take a look at his website
If you have time email me any questions you have!
