Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Des Moines Christian School

Yesterday Mark and I had our 'parent interview' for Isabella to begin Kindergarten at DMCS. Neither of us really knew what it was all about. The Principal just asked us to be there, so we did as we were told. Isn't that setting the right example for our kids??? And I am happy to say that it was a very pleasant visit to the Principal's office:-) The girls and I had met Mr Lambert a couple of months ago when we went to Chapel there on a Wednesday morning, and Mark had met him the night of K Round-Up. But it was nice to sit down and hear from him what DMCS is fundamentally all about. DMCS asks that teachers, faculty, and at least one parent of each student profess a belief in Jesus Christ. And among the many points in their Statement of Faith, I really like how the last one is phrased. " Belief that a Christian is one who has received Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord by faith. We believe good works to be the inevitable result of true faith (Romans 10:9; Ephesians 2:8, James 2:17-18; I John 2:3-40). " I think that concisely states that there is nothing that we, as sinful human beings, can do to 'earn' our way to an eternal life with Christ. He came to this Earth to be the bridge between us, and our sin, and God, who is perfect, and has said that the penalty for sin is death. Christ is constantly working on the behalf of all of those who willingly accept the gift of His salvation that He offered to anyone who believes by faith. When Christ was hanging on the cross between 2 thieves, and the one who recognized Christ and professed his faith in Him was told, by Christ, that they would see each other again in Heaven, also shows each of us that belonging to any given religion, or being baptized, or doing works of ANY kind, is not necessary for eternal life with Christ. It is recognizing who He is, openly professing your faith in Him, and simply accepting Him into your heart and into your life. The thief hanging on the cross had no opportunity to do anything but acknowledge Christ, and it was Christ himself who told him they would see each other again in Heaven. So powerful.

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