So Saturday afternoon Isabella put on her finest princess clothes, Lisi dressed to be the "Palace Pixie", I loaded them onto the Royal Golf Cart and transported them across the street, to be retrieved at "6 Bells".
The girls had a GREAT time, the birthday girl did NOT have a melt-down, and the parents seemed to enjoy the afternoon as well.
This is something that just does not register with me.
This is something that just does not register with me.
I am SOOOOO going to copy that idea for one of Emma's Birthday parties!!! That is SUCH a cute have some very clever friends Miss Amy:)
Okay...the whole idea of a princess party is great and let's do fun things for our kids BUT...I saw a local newscast about these "princess parties" for hire and I about blew my top. People are spending 5 or 6 HUNDRED dollars on a five year old's birthday! If we are doing over the top events for our preschoolers, how are we going to continue to top ourselves as they get older? It's like the people who rent limos for their 7th graders school dance. By high school prom, they are expecting a helicopter to deliver them to the event! Oh, don't get me started! Do the fun theme parties and the goodie bags and the dress up stuff....just be reasonable. There, I feel better. :) I'm not sure your friend's event quailified in my rant but a bounce house don't come cheap.
oh Pastor Lori, you rant did not even touch the surface of this blog was me ranting in the kindest way possible:)
Note to self...don't send details or pictures of Emma's 2nd birthday to fc Amy for fear of being blogged about as a birthday don't :):):)
Ps. I still like the Princess party idea and have already started making plans for Emma's next birthday:) Know anyone who can make a castle cake;)
You girls look so cute in their princess attire :)
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