Friday, June 8, 2007

What Lisi Packed

So I decided to make a quick drive to St Louis for the girls to play with their cousins for a couple of days. (Sorry Grandma Jill~ we were not even in town over the weekend. You know we will catch you next time!!!) So I get the girls' clothes packed, and toothbrushes and the like. We have made this drive often enough that I asked the girls to pack their own bags with 'friends' and movies to watch on the drive, etc. I was racing like mad to get us out of the house at a (somewhat) decent time (did not hit the road until 3pm~ YIPES!). So we stop for gas outside of Kansas City, and I take a peek in Isabella's bag. Oodles of stuffed animals, Frosty, lippy-sticks, and movies. I take a peek inside Lisi's bag:
2 tiny books, a movie, 2 tiny stuffed animals and 5 pair of underwear.

1 comment:

hahainlala said...

I like the way those 2 girls pack! Think they could help me pack for my next trip???? Just don't let them tell Emma they pack their own bags....Emma would only pack rocks and balls:) Okay, and maybe a balloon!